Our Emphasis Our Feature Article April 2, 2020
" All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Eight "Vital Connections" with the Word of God
Hear the Word, Romans 10:17
Read the Word, Revelation 1:3
Study the Word, Acts 17:11
Memorize the Word, Psalm 119:11
Meditate on the Word, Psalm 1:3
Be a Doer of the Word, James 1:22
Love the Word, Psalm 119:97
Preach the Word, 2 Timothy 4:2
We are excited to make some coming changes to our website. Pray for me as I try to learn how to manipulate this website and make it more useful to those who visit. Our new format will feature the eight "VITAL CONNECTIONS WITH THE WORD OF GOD" that I love to share with churches and individuals God gives me the opportunity to minister among. So far since the endorsement of our ministry by West Black Creek Baptist Church we have had the opportunity to preach in many different churches, visited numerous association meetings and had good fellowship with God's people. We welcome the opportunity to share the word of God with anyone who invites us. The new Songbooks are made available for the asking. God has used West Black Creek and many of you to provide these resources. Contact me at my work cell at (601) 596-7862. Our E-mail is [email protected]. Thanks
We are excited also to have the Songbooks for the "Generations Project" ready for distribution. We desire that the songs be used as widely as possible. I will mail them to those who request them. Those churches who have helped with the expenses by inviting us to come will be the first to receive them in appreciation for having us come. We will mail one copy to each pastor or church clerk in the association. The newly designed website will have links to allow you to hear our family sing the songs. The songbooks are written with 'shaped notes' and this website will also have the songs in standard notation and in other keys. Our plan is to connect all this together in a way that will be easy to use and download. Thank you for your prayers for this project.
Eight "Vital Connections" with the Word of God
Hear the Word, Romans 10:17
Read the Word, Revelation 1:3
Study the Word, Acts 17:11
Memorize the Word, Psalm 119:11
Meditate on the Word, Psalm 1:3
Be a Doer of the Word, James 1:22
Love the Word, Psalm 119:97
Preach the Word, 2 Timothy 4:2
We are excited to make some coming changes to our website. Pray for me as I try to learn how to manipulate this website and make it more useful to those who visit. Our new format will feature the eight "VITAL CONNECTIONS WITH THE WORD OF GOD" that I love to share with churches and individuals God gives me the opportunity to minister among. So far since the endorsement of our ministry by West Black Creek Baptist Church we have had the opportunity to preach in many different churches, visited numerous association meetings and had good fellowship with God's people. We welcome the opportunity to share the word of God with anyone who invites us. The new Songbooks are made available for the asking. God has used West Black Creek and many of you to provide these resources. Contact me at my work cell at (601) 596-7862. Our E-mail is [email protected]. Thanks
We are excited also to have the Songbooks for the "Generations Project" ready for distribution. We desire that the songs be used as widely as possible. I will mail them to those who request them. Those churches who have helped with the expenses by inviting us to come will be the first to receive them in appreciation for having us come. We will mail one copy to each pastor or church clerk in the association. The newly designed website will have links to allow you to hear our family sing the songs. The songbooks are written with 'shaped notes' and this website will also have the songs in standard notation and in other keys. Our plan is to connect all this together in a way that will be easy to use and download. Thank you for your prayers for this project.
New Gospel Tracts Are Available.
We have two new tracts available for sharing the gospel with the people you come into contact with. The contents of one is shared on our blog page. The Good Neighbor Tract is designed to be used in your neighborhood or anywhere else you wish to use it. I hope you will request some copies to use. We give them out in quantities of 25 to anyone who will commit to use them.
The Life Saver Tract is designed to be used with anyone but it requires a little extra effort and expense on your part. I recommend it's use by giving it along with an individually wrapped Life Saver Candy (available in almost any retail store). I give these out regularly at work and other places. Folks enjoy the candy and it opens a door to their reading about the Good News of Jesus- the Real Life Saver. And to boot, in the more than a year of giving these out I have had no one reject receiving the tract. We pray that many read and heed the warning and trust our glorious Savior. Again, I will send the tract in groups of twenty-five to individuals. (You have to buy your own candies.)
Our two newest tracts are designed to help believers. "Commitments That Make Us "Disciples Indeed" and "How I Know I Have Eternal Life" were written to help those who believe to grow in the LORD. These are available to any who request them. We will provide them freely to any who will ask for them as God provides the funds to do so. God has provided through our local church at West Black Creek Baptist Church and others and we are grateful to make these available to you.
The Life Saver Tract is designed to be used with anyone but it requires a little extra effort and expense on your part. I recommend it's use by giving it along with an individually wrapped Life Saver Candy (available in almost any retail store). I give these out regularly at work and other places. Folks enjoy the candy and it opens a door to their reading about the Good News of Jesus- the Real Life Saver. And to boot, in the more than a year of giving these out I have had no one reject receiving the tract. We pray that many read and heed the warning and trust our glorious Savior. Again, I will send the tract in groups of twenty-five to individuals. (You have to buy your own candies.)
Our two newest tracts are designed to help believers. "Commitments That Make Us "Disciples Indeed" and "How I Know I Have Eternal Life" were written to help those who believe to grow in the LORD. These are available to any who request them. We will provide them freely to any who will ask for them as God provides the funds to do so. God has provided through our local church at West Black Creek Baptist Church and others and we are grateful to make these available to you.
Save our website to your favorites and visit us often. Invite your Friends, Too! Thanks!

I am available to speak at churches and share the "Generations Project" with your church family. We are scheduled to visit the churches who have already learned about the project and sharing copies with them. Please call me at Home: 601-731-5426 or Cell: 601-596-7862
Check out the resources available on our Download page and Blog page (for previous articles).
Our desire is that God will bless you in this new year! O Magnify the LORD with me!
Teach Me Your Word, O LORD* A CD of Scripture Songs with accompanying studies.
*Sign up on our contact page to receive a Free Copy of the CD and Booklet.*
Recommended Links: Be an Acts 17:11 Believer! We make no endorsements of all the content on any of these sites but include them due to benefits we found there.

Bible Study Aids with keys to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance for study of words in Hebrew and Greek, the original languages of the Bible. A treasure for those who like to be precise in word studies. You do not have to be proficient in Biblical Languages to use these aids.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) was an English Baptist preacher who had great insight into the Bible. He was both a prolific reader and writer, quoting many authors in his preaching and teaching.

This ministry makes available many writings of the Puritans and others who were conservative Bible Believers. It is a ministry of faith and we are grateful for their preserving and publishing many volumes of material and sending them around the world.